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Senatul Italian a decis: NU ESTE RASISTA comparatia dintre o negresa si un urangutan


Dupa ce Presedintele Senatului din Italia a comparat un ministru de culoare cu un urangutan, senatorii au decis ca acest lucru nu este de natura rasista.

Cu alte cuvinte, senatorii spun: “De ce esti aici? De ce nu te opresti din a te mai plange si nu pleci inapoi in Africa? Noi nu te vrem aici.”

The Local:

Roberto Calderoli sparked outrage in July 2013 with his comments about Cecile Kyenge, then Italy’s integration minister:

He said: “When I see Kyenge I can’t help but think of an orangutan.”

A member of the far-right Northern League (Lega Nord) party, Calderoli refused a call from Italy’s sitting prime minister, Enrico Letta, to step down and the deputy senate president has remained in his post ever since.

His “I’m not racist” position has now won the backing of senators, who ruled that the orangutan comment does not amount to racial hate.

The move was supported by Kyenge’s Democratic Party (PD), with only the Five Star Movement (M5S) opposing, La Repubblica reported on Friday.

Kyenge, who lost her ministerial position when Matteo Renzi became premier a year ago, said she was “surprised” and “sad” about the ruling.

While she had forgiven Calderoli for the slur, Kyenge worried about the broader impact of the Senate decision: “If a person who represents the institutions can insult anybody, I ask: who protects the weak [members of society] in this country? It’s creating a very dangerous precedent.”

Stai asa. Maimuta a venit aici sa primeasca pe gratis tot …iar apoi este datoria noastra sa-i protejam sentimentele? Cum sta treaba mai exact?


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  1. Cand o sa ajungi la nivelul doamnei ministru,atunci vei putea emite jigniri specifice voua,nazistilor! Pana una alta,daca nu esti multumit,arunca-te in aer in numele dreptului de a jigni OAMENII DE CULOARE! Romania nu va vrea,dragilor!
    "Singurul nazist bun,este unul mort!"

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