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Jewish Man Fakes Antisemitic Attack By Stabbing Himself At Michigan Synagogue


Police have arrested Sean Sammit, a jewish man who claimed he was attacked and stabbed as he left a synagogue in West Bloomfield, Michigan, after they found information on his Apple watch that proved he had made the whole event up:

Sammitt is a former employee at Temple Kol Ami on Walnut Lake Road. West Bloomfield police say Sammitt claimed a man shouted anti-Semitic comments then stabbed him as he left work. Sammitt told police he fought the attacker off and drove himself to Henry Ford hospital.

But police say his story didn’t add up, and a thorough search of the parking lot found no evidence. That’s when they analyzed Samitt’s Apple watch and looked at his heart rate when Samitt claimed the attack happened.

Investigators say it was normal and should have been higher. But the watch showed before the attack that Samitt’s heart rate was elevated.

That led police into the synagogue, where they say they found bloody tissues and a knife Samitt used to stab himself.

“We all have to think about the actions that we do and so these little imprints whether on his phone, his watch, or a camera, it just really shows every action we do isn’t going to go unnoticed,” said Rabbi Asher Lopatin.

Sammit is now charged with filing a false police report. Why he allegedly made up the attack is still unknown.


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