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Exit from Ukraine may be restricted for some women – Kyiv Post


Starting from October 1st, women with medical and pharmaceutical education may be required to register for military service but it is not yet clear whether they will be subject to travel restrictions from Ukraine. This might be similar to men aged 18-60 who are subject to mobilization, as reported by the Kyiv Post newspaper.

According to reports published on the parliament’s website and later removed, Fedir Wenisławski, the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Supreme Council and a member of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence of the Supreme Council, announced that women must register with military commissions and may not be allowed to leave the country from October 1st.

Wenisławski claimed that after registration, women would be considered conscripts and would be subject to specific procedures regarding foreign travel.

Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the declaration of a state of emergency in Ukraine, men aged 18-60 have been unable to leave the country due to mandatory military conscription.

However, Andrij Demczenko, the spokesperson for the Border Guard Service of Ukraine, expressed doubts about the implications of women’s registration with military commissions.

Demczenko stated that border guards have not been informed of any additional restrictions on the freedom to leave Ukraine due to women’s registration in military commissions.

He noted, however, that if such changes in regulations come into effect, border guards will monitor and enforce the new rules.


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