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YouTube se INCHIDE

Suna mai mult a "JewTube", am dreptate... nu? :)
Suna mai mult a „JewTube”, am dreptate… nu? :)

Conform site-ului CNET , YouTube va apela la o armata de „super-flaggeri” (reclamanti) pentru a cenzura utilizatorii. Acestia vor avea sarcina de a raporta videoclipurile incorecte politic.

Pun pariu ca „Antisemitismul” este primul lucru pe care il vor cauta.

Articolul original de pe CNET:

Around 200 people and organizations have been given this flagging super power, according to The Wall Street Journal. Among this elite group is the British police unit, according to the Financial Times.

These special people and groups have the ability to flag up to 20 videos at once to be reviewed by YouTube staff. According to the Journal, 90 percent of the videos flagged by these people get pulled from the site or restricted to only adult users — this is a far higher pull rate than videos flagged by the average YouTube user.

YouTube doesn’t allow for sex and nudity, hate speech, copyright infringement, and a slew of other “violating” actions. According to its community guidelines, “predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts” are taken very seriously and could lead to someone being permanently banned from the site.

According to the Financial Times, the British police unit is apparently looking for extremist propaganda and terrorism-related videos, which are also not permitted on YouTube.

Acesta este cel mai bun motiv pentru ca voi sa treceti acum pe alt site, respectiv pe TruTube.tv – un site ce nu va cenzura ADEVARUL!


În cele din urmă, acesta va fi singurul lucru pe YouTube:

…si pisici si bebelusi razand.


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